Monday, February 23, 2015

2 is a great no.

Gaming is a big obsession - The sims 3

I love this game !
The sims 3 a wonderful game that you've gotta love I got to know it through my friend who told me about it at school. I did some research about it, and  I thought it was really cool so I started to watch " let's play"s. I totally fell in love with it so i told my mum to buy it but it wouldn't work on my laptop.
I got more information and learnt that it works on Xbox 360 too, so I started watching let's plays of the sims 3 on Xbox 360.
But the other problem was it was not so popular in India, the solution - online shopping. I checked out a lot of sites but I found it at last on this new site called junglee which is an Indian version of amazon .
I got the sims 3 at the end and ended up with new problems and new obsessions.

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